
Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Workshop



Feeling stressed?  Who isn’t these days?  Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 6th from 2-4PM.

Come hear an introduction to the practice of meditation and mindfulness, including discussion and experiential exercises.  Tools for the development of this skill set will be shared.  Links between mindfulness practice and well-being will be presented.

Mindfulness fills a great need for parents and children to find physical, mental and emotional calm in these busy, often overwhelming times.  Mindfulness promotes non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, and fosters calm, better concentration, and more openness.  Youth and adults learn how to be kinder to themselves and others, more confident and less judgmental.

This Waltham Public Library Event will be taking place in our Lecture Hall on the Ground Floor of the Library.  Facilitated by Rev. Matt Carriker, Protestant Chaplain at Brandeis University and Spiritual Direcotr at Agape Spiritual Community in Waltham.  Contact Matt at or 781-736-3573 for more information.

This event is free and open to the public.

For questions about the library, directions, hours, etc. please call 781-314-3425.



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