
Why is there a fee for movies in Waltham?

This question comes up from time to time, often from patrons who have used other libraries where there was no fee for movies. Most other public libraries pay for their DVDs with their municipal budget. In Waltham, all entertainment movies are purchased by the Friends of the Waltham Public Library, not the City budget. FWPL is a non-profit library-advocacy organization. All of the proceeds raised by movie rentals go directly back into buying more movies, so the collection is completely self-funded. FWPL funds also provide programming for adults and children, museum passes and other enhancements beyond what our municipal budget supplies.

The small fee allows the Waltham Public Library to provide a fairly large collection to the community for a price which hasn’t changed in 20 years. Want to get an even better deal? Visit on Thursdays when movies are 2 for the price of 1!

You can even sign up for a once-monthly email listing the newest movies.

Happy Viewing!

posted by Deb

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