
What We’re Reading — August 31, 2015

What have we been watching reading and listening to the last few weeks?

Kelly: “I read Pretty Is by Maggie Mitchell recently and loved it – it’s sort of a thrilled in the style of Gone Girl. Beautifully written. I haven’t enjoyed a book that much in a long time.”

Doreen: “I’m listening to: Boston Girl (Anita Diamant) – Addie Baum, a young Jewish girl, growing up in Multi-cultural North End, during the early 1900s. Narrates her life in Boston to her granddaughter.
The Devil’s Workshop (Alex Grecian) Scotland Yard’s Monster Squad novel, third book. Set in 1890s. Rather gruesome but suspenseful telling of escaped killer, Jack the Ripper.
I’m also reading Charlotte’s Web and Mary Poppins

Laura: “I just read the new novel, Dietland by Sarai Walker. Plum Kettle has been frustrated with her weight most of her life, going so far to follow an unhealthy fad diet called the Baptist Plan. She gets recruited into an underground group seeking to right many wrongs about societal views of women. The book has a lot of dark humor, and most women will relate to Plum’s struggles about her image, but I had trouble finishing it. It was almost as if the book couldn’t decide if it was a satire, a coming of age novel, or a thriller.
I also just completed watching the Canadian series Orphan Black. If you have ever spent a day binge watching Alias and then topped it off with a viewing of The Parent Trap (the original one, of course!), then this is the show for you. (And yes, there are people who do spend the day doing that. I may be one of them.) In the pilot episode, Sarah Manning (played by the versatile and amazing Tatiana Maslany) witnesses her doppelganger commit suicide by jumping in front of an oncoming train. If you follow any entertainment media, you already know the twist, but I won’t reveal it here. All I’ll say is that all of the characters are well developed, the plots are science fiction while still being believable, and the action is heart stopping. If Tatiana Maslany doesn’t get her Emmy, I will feel personally offended!”


  • The Fifth Heart by Dan Simmons (fiction) : This book is slow. I mean s-l-o-w! There’s a reason why I don’t normally read books that are 600 pages long. Such a slow slog. Which is not to say that this book isn’t interesting. It features Sherlock Holmes in 1893 America with his unwilling companion, American author Henry James. Supposedly James is on the verge of suicide when he is mysteriously waylaid by a disguised Holmes. Thus begins a very long-winded account of Holmes attempt to circumvent the assassinations of both Queen Victoria and President Grover Cleveland. Holmes’ drug addiction plays a part in the very involved story along with guest appearances by real life personalities such as Samuel Clemens. But in the end I could not finish the book no matter how well-written it is. I just can’t handle 600 pages.
  • Lost and Found : the True Story of Jaycee Lee Dugard and the Abduction that Shocked the World by John Glatt (non-fiction) : In 1991 a pretty shy little 11 year old girl was kidnapped as she walked to her school bus stop. This began a grueling and gruesome saga of 18 years as Jaycee was held captive by a monstrous sadist Phillip Garrido and his wife as a sex slave. She was confined to a sweltering shed in Garrido’s secluded backyard. Eventually she bore him 2 daughters as he considered the child to be his second wife. I am not in favor of the death penalty as a general rule but I would make an exception in this case. Eventually Jaycee was recovered after 18 years of captivity, thoroughly brainwashed into thinking that these horrible people were her ‘family’.
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Furry : Life with the World’s Most Melancholy Cat by Tom Cox (non-fiction) : Actually this is about a thirty-something man with four cats, not just one. I am normally leery of cat books because inevitably the cat dies in the final chapter but in this case Janet (a male cat) passes away in the first chapter. But Cox has plenty more cats at home plus visitor cats who let themselves into his home by means of an unguarded cat flap in his back door that leads into his back garden in the British countryside of Norfolk. Ralph, Shipley and The Bear (the melancholy cat) have their own unique personalities and for a time Cox enjoys living a solitary life with just his cats. But life with three moggies can be complicated. Cox gets a new cat-loving girlfriend and eventually a new female kitten, Roscoe. Nothing enormous happens in this book, the adventures are small, but life and cats continue on in a warm and loving household. Maybe you just have to be a cat person to appreciate the day-to-day life of a cat-filled home.

Pat A: “I just finished Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave. It is a new book. It is the story of a family that owns a winery in Sonoma County, California. It gives a little history and information on how wine is made and incorporates family issues (when things get tough, we do what gives us comfort, returning to our roots). It is about family, love and the importance of finding a place to call home.”

Nancy W: “I just finished Summer Secrets by Jane Green and I’m reading The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand. Can you tell I love beach reads?”

Jan: “There’s a new addition to the Beatles saga… Ringo: With a Little Help by Michael Seth Starr (no relation, as he explains in the introduction.) “The World’s Most Famous Drummer” has spent most of his life trying to emerge from the shadow of his arguably more talented bandmates and has done so very successfully. Indeed, he had the first solo release after The Breakup, beating Paul by a few weeks. This book is actually a quintessential study of the all too typical ride of rock stars from the heights of fame to depths of alcoholism or other problems. Unlike many others, including his good friend Keith Moon of The Who, Ringo was able to recover and forge a remarkable career. Highly recommended for like-minded fanatics.”

Hurricane Katrina — Ten Years Later

According to Time Magazine, it was “the most catastrophic and costly hurricane in U.S. history.” After it made landfall on the Gulf Coast (most infamously New Orleans), Hurricane Katrina was responsible for the deaths of around 2,000 people and the displacement of thousands more. According to Time, the population of New Orleans dropped from 483,633 to 200,000 residents. A decade later, New Orleans and the Gulf Coast are still dealing with Katrina’s aftermath.
To honor the anniversary, the library is a valuable resource.

This Week’s Best Seller Lists — August 23, 2015

Here are the best seller lists for the week of August 23, 2015.

VJ Day — August 14-15, 1945

Victory in Japan Day Times Square -- image courtesy of NPR
This year marks the 70th anniversary of several key dates in World War II, including the Liberation of Auschwitz (January 27, 1945), Victory in Europe (May 8), the bombings of Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9), and on August 15, the official end of the War, other known as Victory over Japan (August 14 or 15 depending on the time zone).
As we honor and remember those who were involved in World War II, remember that the library is a great resource in honoring VJ Day. And be sure and check out our VJ display in the reference room!

Staff Reads — August 11, 2015

What is the staff reading this week?

Pat O. and others: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins; In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume; Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee; A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler; At the Water’s Edge by Sara Gruen

Jan: “I’ve had fun with a newly discovered mystery series Orchard Mysteries by Sheila Connolly. They’re about Meg, a transplant from the banking world of Boston, who finds herself the owner of an apple orchard in Granford, Massachusetts. Of course, the bodies pile up and she helps solve the mysteries. It’s loosely based on the actual town of Granby just outside of Amherst, so anyone with connections there will enjoy these (plus there are yummy recipes included!) Titles read so far: One Bad Apple; Rotten to the Core; Red Delicious Death; A Killer Crop; Bitter Harvest; Sour Apples; Golden Malicious; Picked to Die“.

Laura: “The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore: The author of this memoir discovers that a man close to his age, who is also from Baltimore, and has the exact same name, has been arrested for a terrible crime. He reaches out to the other Wes Moore, who is in prison, and through interviews, he tries to determine how two men who share some of the same background can have two very different fates. This is a very important read, especially in light of recent events in our country. The repeated line, “The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his,” continues to haunt me.
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee: I tried very hard to keep an open mind about this book. To Kill a Mockingbird has been a favorite of mine since I was 14 years old, and for a period of several years, I read it annually. The controversy surrounding this sequel, or notsequel since it was allegedly written first, was enormous, and I didn’t want to ruin my memories of either the beloved classic or Atticus Finch as a social crusader. The good news is that the To Kill a Mockingbird’s legacy is pretty much in tact. The reason? Go Set a Watchman is largely forgettable. It touches on two important themes, the reaction of those living in the South to the changing racial relations and integration, and becoming disillusioned with a childhood idol (in this case, Jean Louise/Scout’s view of her father). However, it doesn’t succeed at telling a convincing story well, and the book just reads like an overly long short story written for an expository writing class. Had To Kill a Mockingbird not existed, my guess is this book would have ended up on a fast track to the remainder table at a bookstore.
Re Jane by Patricia Park: This very loose retelling of Jane Eyre is the story of Jane Re, the child of a Korean mother and an alleged American GI Father. When her mother dies, young Jane is sent to Queens to be raised by her maternal uncle and his family and she is slated to work in the family grocery store. While the Jane Eyre allusions are clever, I think this book works better as a stand alone. I appreciate the exploration of living as an immigrant in the United States from multiple perspectives, Jane’s understanding of her Korean culture, and the complexities of friendship and family relationships. One does not need to know Bronte to appreciate this book.
Still Alice by Lisa Genova: Nothing I can say will do this beautiful book justice. Alice is a brilliant Harvard professor who slowly starts to realize that something is wrong, and has to face the terrible truth that she has early onset Alzheimer’s. Told from the first person, this book allows the reader to experience Alice’s worry and confusion. I read this book in one setting and cried openly by the time I was finished. It’s been a long time since a book affected me in that way.”

Louise: “The Marrying of Chani Kaufman by Eve Schwartz: This compulsively readable book about an Ultra Orthodox young woman’s wedding day was long listed for the Booker Man Prize. Eve Schwartz is an astute observer and a wonderful writer. We feel the pain, the joy, the innocence, the victories and defeats of the well drawn characters in this book. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys women’s fiction and anyone who is interested in learning about people of different faiths. I am waiting to hear more from this writer. This is one of those books that draws you in so completely, you are said when it ends. Believe it or not, I recommended this book to a guy who also liked it. Gentleman, don’t be shy!
The Burgess Boys by Elizabeth Strout: Most of you probably know Elizabeth Strout’s book Olive Kitteridge which won the Pulitzer Prize. This is on my to read list. I started with The Burgess Boys. When the novel began, I said to myself, “Oh no! Not another political novel fraught with social commentary.” One of the young protagonists, Zach, has apparently left a pig’s head in the mosque of his small town in Maine. This is the crisis that moves the novel forward.
This book is much deeper and richer than I expected. The setting alternates between Brooklyn, New York (with a small stint in Saint Kitts), Connecticut, and Shirley Falls, a small town in Maine where Susan still lives with her son Zach. The Burgess boys, Jim and Bob, both have become lawyers. They are called in to help Susan in her time of need.
The siblings share a terrible secret from their childhood. During the familial crisis with Zach, much is revealed about the three siblings, their childhood, their adult years, and what can happen in families. This is a really well put together novel that I recommend to anyone who loves good writing about family life, it’s upheavals and its complexities.”

Gerry C: “The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant audiobook read by Linda Lavin: I loved listening to this book. Linda Lavin was perfect for the Jewish grandmother telling her granddaughter about her life adventures, loves and heartbreaks.
The Stranger by Harlan Coben: Coben never disappoints and his latest stand alone book is no exception. So many twists and turns in this story and always a surprise ending. Just when you think you’ve figured it out, something changes.
Shanghai Girls by Lisa See: I really enjoyed this book about a Chinese family’s struggles during the war in China and there lives once they arrived in America.
Dreams of Joy by Lisa See: This is the second part of Lisa See’s Shanghai Girls. I couldn’t get through this book. I found I disliked the character Joy but may finish the book eventually just to see how it ends.
Hounded by David Rosenfelt: I love listening to all of David Rosenfelt’s Andy Carpenter books. They are light mysteries with a touch of humor. The reader is phenomenal and I often find myself laughing out loud.
The Burning Room by Michael Connelly: Another great mystery by this author.
Last One Home by Debbie Macomber: Reading Debbie Macomber is like a gathering with friends.
Gathering Prey by John Sanford: Latest book in his Prey series. This is the first book I have read in this series. Really enjoyed the characters in this series. I’m thinking I should read some others.
Paris Match by Stuart Woods: Never got any further than the first disc. Woods writing over the years has deteriorated. The dialogues and story lines are lackluster and sometimes stupid. For a few years I have wondered if someone else is writing his books because the great stories he wrote in earlier years are not there any longer. I think I have read my last book by Woods.
I am currently reading Beach Town by Mary Kay Andrews. So far the characters are fun and the story has a bit of humor. It is going to be a great beach read for me next week!
Vera Set 4: We really love the two main characters in this BBC series. The stories/mysteries keep you engaged and entertained.
St. Vincent starring Melissa McCarthy and Bill Murray: Instead of a comedy this story was a nice change for McCarthy and Murray. I would recommend it.”

Virginia:Lost Girls by John Glatt (non-fiction): A well-written true crime book about the 3 girls who were kidnapped off the streets of Cleveland and held captive for a decade by a sadistic monster. I’d already read Michelle Knight’s (one of the captives) personal account of the torturous decade in her book ‘Finding Me’ but this book had more details of just what was happening with the families of the lost girls, never knowing if their daughters had been murdered or if they were still alive. Sometimes I wonder why I like to read true crime books. For all of the violence and horror there are wonderful examples of bravery and compassion, of perserverence and courage in the face of catastrophe and evil.
Sign Wave by Andrew Vachss (fiction): I really enjoy Vachss’ writing but I have to admit I did not understand this book at all. This is the third book in a series about an assassin named Dell who settles down in a small town in Oregon with his wife. But as far as I can tell Dell is psychotic. Why else would he take an off-hand remark and obsess over it to the point of cold calculated paranoia? Nothing really happens in this book but Dell’s machinations as to how he will protect himself and his wife from an imaginary threat culminating in Dell committing two murders of two men who are never proven to be guilty of anything. I also did not understand the final paragraph of the book. Which is too bad because the writing is excellent but the whole point of the book is meaningless.
Predator One by Jonathan Maberry (fiction): The saga of Captain Joe Ledger continues in this edge-of-your-seat violent thriller. Not only are all the usual characters back but old enemies once thought dead reappear to cause death and destruction on a mighty scale.Do I understand the tech talk and the computereze? No way. But that didn’t spoil the story for me. When computer programs that rule the military hardware go beserk and start destroying submarines, aircraft carriers, and jets and renegade drones destroy a baseball stadium on Openning Day & take out the Golden Gate bridge, it isn’t long before the President on Air Force One becomes part of the terror as his aircraft comes under sinister control & heads straight for the heart of NYC. The violence is quite gruesome but that’s what you have to expect when Joe Ledger is involved.
Inspector of the Dead by David Morrell (fiction): This is the sequel to Morrell’s first book about Thomas DeQuincey, opium addict and well-known author in Victorian England, fictionally portrayed as a shrewd detective of London crime, first appearing in Morrell’s book ‘Murder as a Fine Art’. The book is very well-written and it is certainly a thrilling read but the story is so far-fetched that it is unfortunately totally unbelievable. Despite the fact that I enjoyed the book, I didn’t believe it for a moment. Disbelief can only be suspended so far. Despite my inability to buy into the book’s premise of an assassin planning to murder Queen Victoria as an act of revenge, I read it compulsively. DeQuincey makes an excellent protagonist.
Ultimatum by Dick Wolf (creator of TV’s Law and Order) (fiction): The third in the series of Jeremy Fisk thrillers would have been a quick jolting read but for the fact that it is so full of surveillance technology that half of the time I did not know quite what was happening. Apparently NYC is a hotbed of surveillance systems which are used by good guy Fisk in an effort to combat the drone murders by a madman who wants to free an Edward Snowdon type whistleblower from incarceration. Meantime, a hitman is using his own tech secrets to draw a bead on Fisk. If high tech is your thing, you’ll love this book.
Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas, a Cyrus Barker and Thomas Llewellyn mystery. (Fiction): Ah! Another Jack the Ripper Victorian London thriller. This one involves Thomas’ enquiry agents from previous Barker and Llewellyn novels. This book focuses on the underworld of Whitechapel where the Ripper struck and most likely lived. The upper echelons of the various London police departments and the rival chief detective inspectors who fought politically over just who was responsible for the lack of progress in uncovering the identity of the Ripper clash as the Ripper’s crimes mount up and terrified citizens and sneering newspapers scream bloody murder. Of the many suspects, I was not actually convinced of the guilt of the man Thomas selected as the most likely culprit but he tells a rousing tale of cat and mouse in the filthy alleyways of the slums and in the grand palaces of Queen Victoria.
Deadline by John Sandford (fiction): Sandford has two main characters whose stories he develops annually : Lucas Davenport of the ‘Prey’ series and Virgil Flowers in his own series with occasional reference to his boss (Davenport). In this Virgil Flowers thriller Virgil gets caught up in the crime of dognappering in rural Minnesota. Dogs are being stolen to be sold to labs to be killed in medical experiments. But along the way Virgil collides with the murder of a small town reporter who was investigating the criminal activities of the local school board which has been skimming money from the school budget for years. Virgil has to jump from one case to the other as he scours the woods for the missing dogs and hunts down the school board’s hired killer. Sandford writes his books in bite-sized paragraphs so it is hard to put his books down.
Constant Fear by Daniel Palmer (fiction): Jake Dent is a survivalist nut waiting for the end of the world. He has taken over the hidden tunnels of the prep school where he is the janitor, stocking them with food, gear and weapons, preparing for the end of civilization. He lives in constant fear training his teenaged son to be ready for the end. What he does not know is that his son and his son’s friends have hacked into a bitcoin account and stolen 200 million dollars from , it turns out, a Mexican drug cartel. Suddenly Jake’s son and the boy’s best friends are held hostage by brutal bloodthirsty cartel members who want their money back. The only trouble is, someone has used their computer to steal the money from the teens. Now Jake has to enter the tunnels to find the teenaged hostages and defeat the cartel as the end of Jake’s world looms. A great read.”

Hannah: “Trying to read Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine“.
Hannah is also reading The Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown three times a day!

Jeanette: “Watching the Mystery Series on DVD Midsomer Murders – only on Series Ten – a long way to go!
Also watched Broadchurch Series 1 – working on Series 2
Oxygen [sound recording] / by Carol Wiley Cassella: Cassella writes a good story – this was about about the life of a well respected anesthesiologist’s life – after a child she is treating dies. – A debut novel looking forward to more.
Gemini [sound recording] / Carol Cassella: Second novel by author – enjoyed this one too! Another medical mystery.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society [sound recording] / Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows: Loved this book wasn’t really into history in school – this was an interesting peek into what some went through after the War.
The Candy Bombers [sound recording] : the untold story of the Berlin Airlift and America’s finest hour / Andrei Cherny: Another book that made me realize I should have liked history when I was young; this was a very interesting history lesson about Berlin’s struggle after WWII – when the Russians held one side of the city and the rest of the allies tried to negotiate with them. A small band of Americans help West Berliners survive by airlifting food to them. The drops started with candy drops for the children!
Dali & I : The Surreal Story [sound recording] / Stan Lauryssens: I knew Dali was weird this proves it and beyond!
I Must Say [sound recording] : My Life as a Humble Comedy Legend / Martin Short: Enjoyed listening to this book – gave me a chance to relive some of Martin Short’s characters as he acted them out on the recording.
One liners on Two Lines by Rita Wolfson: Author is from Waltham. A Fun book – the idea for the book came to the author during a difficult time in her life.
The No A**hole Rule [sound recording] : [Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One that Isn’t] / Robert I. Sutton: Was expecting more based on the title but all I could think of was -Ya da Ya da Ya da!”
The Birthday Party : a Memoir of Survival / Stanley N. Alpert: (Another Book I actually read instead of listening to). A gripping memoir about federal prosecutor Stanley Alpert who was kidnapped from the streets of Manhattan, on his birthday, and held for ransom. He was terrorized but finally let go. His level head and good memory brought his captors to justice.

Celebrating the Library’s 150 Years

The Library is celebrating our 150th Anniversary this year!
Come see a display highlighting some our important milestones. These include the original building design, the old Sears Gallery, the South Branch, the old card catalog, the big renovation in 1994, our Director Tom Jewell and more. Check it out by the Waltham Room on the first floor.

This Week’s Best Seller Lists — July 26, 2015

Here are the best seller lists for the week of July 26, 2015:

In The Library by Charles Simic

In The Library

for Octavio


There’s a book called

A Dictionary of Angels.

No one had opened it in fifty years,

I know, because when I did,

The covers creaked, the pages

Crumbled.  There I discovered


The angels were once as plentiful

As species of flies.

The sky at dusk

Used to be thick with them.

You had to wave both arms

Just to keep them away.


Now the sun is shining

through the tall windows.

The library is a quiet place.

Angels and gods huddled

In dark unopened books.

The great secret lies

On some shelf Miss Jones

Passes every day on her rounds.


She’s very tall, so she keeps

Her head tipped as if listening.

The books are whispering.

I hear nothing, but she does.


More about Charles Simic

A photo of Mr. Simic. The only correction I have to the poem is that he should have called the librarian Ms. Jones!

Reserve the book here

posted by Louise

This Week’s Best Seller Lists — June 7, 2015

Here are the best seller lists for the week of June 7, 2015.

Enjoying the Nutcracker!

Behind the scenes of the Nutcracker by Simmons College Radio.

I had the pleasure of seeing Boston Ballet’s The Nutcracker over the weekend. Every time I see the ballet, I always find something new to appreciate. As a little girl, I was dazzled by the large sets, the beautiful costumes, the large Christmas tree, and the nutcracker itself. After I first saw the ballet, I announced to my relatives that I was changing my name to Clara. (The only one who indulged me was my maternal grandfather, though the phase didn’t last long). As an adult, I appreciate the grace and poise of the dancers and am in complete awe of what they are capable of doing. And yes, there is still a small part of me who wants to be Clara dancing around with her nutcracker and dreaming about visiting the Sugar Plum Fairy. (I could do without giant mice invading my living room, though).
The Nutcracker ballet has a long history, which you can explore with the help of the library.

  • The Nutcracker was first produced as a ballet, with music written by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg in Russia in 1892. It was largely based on the story, “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” by the German writer, ETA Hoffman (or Hoffmann, depending on the source). Hoffmann’s protagonist, Marie, turned into Clara in the original ballet, though some later versions of the ballet reverted back to Marie. According to the article, “Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker” by Tamara Eidelman in Russian Life, the name, Clara, was dropped from Russian productions and changed to Masha, during World War I, so as not to appear pro-German. Her brother, Fritz’s name was changed to Misha. Incidentally, Clara was the name of Marie’s doll in Hoffmann’s original story. (You can read the whole article by visiting our subscription database page, selecting the database, World History in Context and typing in “nutcracker tamara eidelman” as keywords.)
  • George Balanchine, choreographed a version for the New York City Ballet starting in 1954. A film version was released in 1993 (starring Macaulay Culkin of Home Alone fame as the Nutcracker prince!) The Library of Congress has a picture of the New York City Ballet performing the Waltz of the Snowflakes in 1962. Our library owns a copy of Balanchine’s modern ballet, Jewels which also features a documentary about the famed choreographer.
  • You can read reviews of various performances of The Nutcracker using our online databases, including early performances from the New York City Ballet and Boston Ballet. Whet your appetite by reading this review of the original George Balanchine production in New York.
  • Author and illustrator, Maurice Sendak, designed costumes for the 1983 Pacific Northwest Ballet’s version of The Nutcracker. A film version was released in 1986. In 1984, Sendak beautifully illustrated ETA Hoffmann’s story.
  • In most versions of The Nutcracker, the female principal dancer is the Sugar Plum Fairy, and Clara is a young girl. This is the version that the Boston Ballet dances. Even though Clara is not the principal dancer, the auditions are intense, as evidenced in Jared Bowen’s article in Boston Common. In some versions of the ballet, though, Clara is an adult and is the principal dancer, performing to the famous “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy”. In the American Ballet Theater production, choreographed by and starring Mikhail Baryshnikov, Clara is an adult, played by Gelsey Kirkland.
  • If you or your children are seeing The Nutcracker for the first time, there are a lot of ways to bring you up to speed. We have several books about the ballet, including The Illustrated Book of Ballet Stories and The Harlem Nutcracker based on a production featuring an African-American family in Harlem. The Boston Ballet has a special section on their website which gives the synopsis of the ballet, as well as fun facts. (For instance, according to them, the Sugar Plum Fairy wears out her toe shoes during one performance!)

posted by Laura

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