Has anyone noticed how small everything is getting…The Corporate World
isn’t just downsizing its work force, it is downsizing in little tiny increments too.
Many years ago I noticed that the weight of a can of tuna had gone down.
Lately, it seems, more of the items we use are being pared down.
- Bar Soap – has been made smaller, by making the indentations in the middle of the bar deeper.
- Toilet Paper – the width of each piece is narrower- I noticed there is more space on either side of the roller!
- Graham Crackers -are smaller, it takes more to cover the bottom of the pan I use for my special two layer pudding dessert.
- Saltines – are smaller too…My hubby has to use more to sop up the soup, when he makes his “famous” Campbell’s Tomato Soup bisque. (I think the soup can is still the same size)
- Cranberry Sauce – down from a 1-pound can to only 14 ounces – makes a smaller “plop” when it slides out of the can!
- Tootsie Pops – The diameter has decreased – I was amazed to see how small they’ve gotten at Halloween time.
- Wine Bottles – The dimples in the bottom of wine bottles are getting deeper.
I thought I had found an exception, recently I had to purchase some salt, which I don’t buy very often; actually I can’t remember the last time I had to buy salt. I noticed the price on the container, in my cupboard, was 69 cents. It was so old it had been “stamped” using the old fashion purple ink pad system.
At the grocery store, I was surprised to find that the price for salt was still only 69 cents. When I got the new container home, I noticed the weight on the old container was 26 ounces and the new container of salt listed the weight as 22 ounces; so it may be the same amazing price of 69 cents; BUT it weighs 4 ounces LESS!
Funny when you listen to the news, it’s all about people being overweight…you’d think with all the food package downsizing we’d be losing weight!
One place they haven’t been downsizing is at the fast food joints…
”Do you want to Super Size that?” (Sure just apply it directly to my thighs…sigh!!!)
Who can resist a bargain?
If you are looking for a bargain with fewer calories, stop in at the Waltham Public Library;
where you will find just about everything you are looking for and if we don’t have what you want we can usually locate the item at another location; either in our network or from a library out of our system. If you order a book from within the network, we can have it delivered to the Minuteman Library of your choosing for convenient pick up.
Sure we’ve got books but we have so much more than that, we also have DVDs, CDs, audio books, Internet access via in-house computers, as well as wireless connection throughout.
Programs are available for people of all ages, whether it be story hour and playtime in the Children’s Room or Opera, how-to seminars, book discussions, appearances by entertainers and civic group meetings in the Lecture Hall; there are many diverse opportunities offered at the library.
So come on in and try to resist our bargains!
posted by Jeanette