Did you know you can search the Waltham Public Library’s catalog on your phone if you have a mobile phone with web access? You can even request books and view your account using your phone’s web browser.
If you own an iPhone, a Windows Mobile Phone, or a Blackberry, getting the full use of our catalog requires nothing more than using your phone’s built in browser.
If you don’t own one of those mobile phones, but have one that that is Java compatible (which most newer models are), and you subscribe to your carrier’s web service, you can download the web browser Opera Mini for free. If you choose to download this program, you do so at your own risk. Like all programs, make sure that you research it before installing it.
posted by: Todd
For those of you handy folks with car trouble, the Waltham Public Library has the perfect database for you: The Auto Repair Reference Center. You can repair any car going back several years. You can even repair a Jeep from as way back as 1945. The graphics on this database are superb and while it may not turn everyone into a mechanic, it will give owners more knowledge when taking their cars to repair shops. While this database is available at any computer in the library, you can also access it from home, as long as you’re a Waltham resident.
And, for those of you who would prefer not to use a database or who are not Waltham residents, the library still subscribes to a large variety of auto repair manuals that can be checked out.
posted by: Laura
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Do you enjoy solving mysteries? If so, we could use your help! The Waltham Room has a new display of photographs called “Orphans.” These are five photos we can’t quite identify, either who’s in them or where they were taken. They include formal shots of a young man, a minister, an elderly man, a group photo and a trolley car making its run. If you’d like to try to see if your “memory serves,” stop by the Waltham Room soon. The display is right outside in the wall cabinet, facing the Library’s front doors.
We have three of the five images posted online. Click the images below for a larger view.
2. Was this one of our local ministers? (Photographed by Allen & Rowell’s, Boston. ca. 1874-92)

3. An elderly man, photographed by E.? Chickering (possibly Elmer of 21 West St., Boston) . 1904.

posted by: Janice
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