image from Ebsco
Just a quick post to let you all know that we subscribe to a new health database: Consumer Health Complete. We are very excited to offer this database, which Waltham residents can access from home. We get quite a few health related reference questions, and this database provides complete coverage. If you want to find out more about specific health conditions, as a health consumer, you can either browse an alphabetical list, or type in the search yourself. If you’re unsure of the spelling, the database will correct you and give you the correct spelling. You can look up information on variety of prescription drugs, as well. For those using the database for school related research, there is plenty to offer, as well. You can even browse sources, such as the AMA Complete Medical Encyclopedia.
Please browse the new database and let us know what you think! And don’t forget, for the last few years, we’ve been subscribing to Salud Para Todas, a Spanish language health database.
posted by Laura
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poster from ALA Graphics
I have been a frequent reader of Mad Magazine for years. Often times, their movie and television parodies are more entertaining than the original products. Lately, libraries and librarians have taken a place of prominence in the letters to the editor department, and I’ve gotten a great laugh out of it.
In April, a reader from Massachusetts (I won’t say which town) wrote in to complain that his local library does not allow current issues of magazines to circulate. Therefore, he had to wait one month to check out the latest copy of Mad. (For the record, Mad magazine is one of the titles in which we allow the current copy to go home with you.) He was so upset that he wrote a letter to the editor asking if they could send him a free subscription. Instead, Mad’s editors responded, “Sorry, you don’t get a free subscription just for having your letter printed. But if you send us a photo of yourself and the head librarian holding an issue of MAD, we’ll put it in the magazine and you’ll get a free subscription.”
The reader hasn’t sent in his letter as of the latest printing, but Joshua Quezada from Los Angeles, California figured he would take a shot and asked his head librarian to pose with him and sent the picture to the magazine. “I had no problem going up to the head librarian of the Montebello Library. At first, she looked at me kind of weird, I guess nobody has ever asked her to do this. As you can see, she still took the picture with me and MAD anyway.” Mad’s response was: “O.K. sure … we admire your pluck and moxie and your love of all things library-related. Congratulations on your one-year subscription.”
I have no way of knowing whether MAD will honor this with all readers. (they do give free subscriptions if you pose with a celebrity). However, if you want to give it a shot, I won’t turn anyone down who wants to take a picture with me and MAD magazine. (I can’t speak for the rest of my co-workers, of course)
posted by Laura
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Our Lecture Hall is packed full of books, magazines, music scores, and children’s materials. The hallways leading to it are loaded with CDs, VHS tapes, audio tapes, and books on tape. On Friday at 6:30 PM, we are having a special preview that is only open to those who are Friends of the Library. If you are not a Friend yet, you can fill out this form and hand it in at the book sale on Friday night (or you will just have to wait until the book sale formally opens on Saturday morning).
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What is Twitter? Well, Twitter is nothing more than a fantastic (and free!) Web 2.0 service. Wikipedia describes Twitter as “a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (otherwise known as Tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.” Many people use Twitter as a mini-blog, to let friends know what they are doing or pondering.
At the library, we are using it to notify our readers about all aspects of the library, including special events, updates about library services, selected new materials that are on our shelves, general information, and much more. And, those who subscribe to our Twitter feed can read our Tweets as soon as we post them. If you don’t want to join Twitter, you can always check out our Twitter Page for updates or check the library homepage where we have our three most recent Tweets posted.
posted by Todd
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The Waltham Public Library will be partnering once again with the Council on Aging to provide our much loved “Afternoon with Books.” This program is presented in the cozy, fireplaced living room area located on the first floor of the Waltham Senior Center. Last year, we talked about a wide array of books, from light fiction to serious non fiction. There are no requirements for these meetings. Simply show up and enjoy tea, cookies, and fun discussion! This is a good chance to make new friends and check out the latest books that the library offers.
Last year’s program included a fascinating discussion and power point presentation about Indian culture presented by Bela Kaul, a library staff member. She told us about the art of henna and even painted some of our participants. It was lots of fun!
We will be meeting on:
- Wednesday, October 1st at 3:00PM
- Wednesday, November 5th at 3:00PM
- Wednesday, December 3rd at 3:00PM
The Waltham Council on Aging is located at 488 Main Street.
Questions? Call Louise at 781-314-3429
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