New and Improved!
Dear Readers,
Location, location, location! We have moved our Graphic novels to the AV Annex on the Ground Floor. They are in Aisle 14 and they are looking good! There is alot more room for them and they are ready and waiting for you to start browsing!
(Please note: Young Adult and Children’s Graphic Novels have not been affected. They are still in the Young Adult and Children’s rooms for your reading pleasure.)

graphic novels are in the AV Annex!
In the fiction room on the first floor, you will see that the large print and the science fiction have been ‘switched’ to allow more room for our collections to grow. There are clear signs on the end of each aisle and our Reference Staff are ready and waiting to help you find what you are looking for!

large print has moved!

science fiction has moved!
posted by Louise