

Now that it is almost summer, I’ve started to work on my new project list.  So far, my lists includes fixing the electrics on my 1979 Vespa, painting and fixing up an old Schwinn bicycle, building a stone walkway in the front of the condo, and perfecting a pulled pork recipe on my smoker.

So, what’s going to stop my from completing my list…procrastination.

While I really like doing projects, one of my favorite summer activities is to sit in the sun with a refreshing drink and read graphic novels. I’m going to start by finishing the Fables series. Next will be the recently released Volume 9 of the Walking Dead series.  After that, I’m not sure…maybe Jimmy Corrigan : the smartest kid on earth.

posted by Todd

The Library has new bags!

I know that you are a fan of the large recycled bags that you can buy at many grocery stores, but don’t you wish that they had a better design and were a bit bigger?  Well…The Waltham Public Library is now selling stylish polypropylene grocery bags.  Ours are bigger than what most stores are selling, and they have a fitting at the bottom so that they stay flat. Most importantly, you will be supporting the library & the Friends of the Waltham Public Library when you are out & about with your new bag.

The bags are $2 each and you can buy them at the circulation desks.

Curious George visits the Library

On Thursday, April 23, many happy children got to visit with Curious George in our children’s room. Here is just one of many excited George fans.

Curious George

Earth Day (was yesterday)

Earth Day was yesterday so I’m sure you’re wondering what you can do to make our planet a cleaner one. Well, for one thing, we can all cut down on the number of plastic bags that we use. So, next time you know that you are going to be picking up a bunch of books, CDs, & DVDs at the library, bring your own bag. If you don’t have a small canvas bag for this purpose, the library sells two different styles (so you can support the library and the environment at the same time). If you have a bunch of used plastic bags at home, reuse them. If you don’t plan on reusing them, bring them to the library and drop them off at the Circulation Desk since we will be happy to  reuse them for you.

Those are just a few ideas that you can do with almost no effort. If you want to learn more about what you can do  for the environment, we have many books at the library that you should check out.  Most of them are located on the second floor in aisle 8 (between call numbers 333 & 364).

posted by Todd

Celebrate National Library Week!

Grover Cronin Store

National Library Week is

April 12 – 18,

and we’re celebrating in Waltham all month long.

Join us:

Enter the free drawing for a library gift basket – get a raffle ticket just for checking out library materials or attending a program.

Get free library cards for you and for everyone in your family- All it takes is photo ID, proof of your current address & a few minutes of your time.

Enjoy Books, DVDs, Blu-ray, CDs, magazines, laptops, puppets & museum passes – Most are loaned for free for 3 weeks, with one renewal; Feature films are rented for $1/week

Join the Friends of the Waltham Public Library – Is your membership up to date? For only $5/year ($10 family) you join over 800 supporters who make possible many of the programs and extras that make the difference between a good library and a great one.

Come to one of our free programs – Take a look at our calendar for information on events for all ages.

Make use of our

  • Beautiful building – Relax & read, sit & study, surf the Web
  • Expertise – Ask a question, seek assistance, make a suggestion
  • Wireless service – Bring your own laptop & make yourself comfortable
  • Snack Room – Have bite to eat while you’re here
  • Book Sale – Buy an inexpensive used book & support the Friends
  • Web page – Research, monitor & update your account, search the catalog, email library staff

See the Waltham City Council Resolution submitted by Councillor Robert Logan proclaiming this week National Library Week.

Remembering the People of Grover Cronin

Grover Cronin Store
Join Philip Cronin at the Waltham Public Library on Monday April 6th at 7:00 pm for memories of Grover Cronin’s. Philip, one of the storied Cronin family, will be giving a talk on his years with the store and the people there who made it a success for so many years. He has donated thirty years of the Grover Cronin Compass to the Library’s Local History Room, and the thirty volumes will be there for you to browse through. Come join us for a fascinating talk and reception with coffee, tea and cookies!
posted by Janice

Laura’s favorite things about the library during the first three months of 2009

1. Well, Todd did steal my first one at the succesful Video Game program, but I’m happy to say that we had 15 teenagers rocking it out to Rock Band in our lecture hall during February vacation.

2. Succesful Bright Lights programs, such as cake decorating, Health Care assistance for retirees, poetry writing, and “What Do We Do with Rest of our Lives”. We’re looking forward to knitting classes, watercolor classes, beauty tips, and our first daytime book club.

3. The wonderful support of the school librarians and allowing me to participate in their book clubs at the high school and McDevitt Middle School.

4. Our new Facebook page!

5. Books that I have on hold that I’m waiting to read: Barbie and Ruth by Robin Gerber; The Help by Kathryn Stockett; The Wikipedia Revolution by Andrew Lih; Flannery by Brad Gooch

6. Bonus The Dewey Decimal Number 796.357 (Baseball) because opening day is less than a week away!

posted by Laura

Todd’s favorite things about the library during the first three months of 2009

1.  We had our first Video Game Night (which was a huge success)!

2.  AV got in a bunch of great new CDs (IMHO) including  Dillinger Four, Marked Men, and Off With Their Heads.

3.  Computer classes are being offered again thanks to the folks at SAHELI.

4.  Thanks to the Friends of the Waltham Public Library, we are about to have three new laptops  (which will bring the number circulating laptops up to 6 just as soon as I am finished getting them ready).

5.  While browsing the new releases, I discovered The Pirate’s Pact: the secret alliances between history’s most notorious buccaneers and colonial America by Douglas R. Burgess, Jr.

posted by Todd

International Mirth Month

The merry month of March is set aside to encourage more mirthful moments.   Come see the library’s humor display on the first floor across from our Circulation Desk.

international mirth month link

New Yorker Cartoons

humor and health

be happy at the WPL

WPL is now on Facebook

Facebook Logo

The Waltham Public Library now has a Facebook Page! If you are a member of Facebook please become a fan and show your support of the library. View upcoming events, look at photos and watch relevant videos such as this one: (also featured on YouTube)

And don’t forget, the library is on twitter too!

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