
Our new(ish) microfilm scanner

Microfilm Scanner at the Waltham Public Library

Whenever I have to do research that involves old newspapers, I always cringe at the thought of using a microfilm machine with an illegible printer.

Luckily, those research nightmares are a thing of the past. There are at least four reasons why researching old newspapers is no longer excruciatingly painful at the Waltham Public Library:

1. Our new microfilm machine is simple to use!

2. The new microfilm machine scans the images to a computer so that you can view and adjust your image before you print.

3. When you print, the quality is much better than the old machine because the image is sent to a laser printer.

4. You can save all images to a USB/flash drive.

Post by: Todd

New Look to the Catalog

The Minuteman Library Network unveiled its new catalog on November 1. Patrons can still look up books located in any of the 41 libraries in the Minuteman Network, reserve and renew books from home, and freeze their hold lists during long vacations. But, now patrons can do a lot more. Each listed entry has a picture of the book cover, links to book reviews (when available), suggested titles, and a book summary. Patrons can even rate the titles using stars. One of the most exciting features of the new catalog is that patrons can pay their fines online using their credit cards. (This feature is self serve and is only available through the online catalog and not at our circulation desks). For more information about that and the catalog, in general, please visit Minuteman’s FAQ’s.

posted by: Laura


Welcome to Waltham Public Library’s brand new blog. You might be wondering what the purpose of this blog is… Well, it is a place where library staff members write about the library and all that it offers. Topics might include a favorite book, information about one of our research databases, a How To, or more information on a special event that is being held at the library.

Be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed. If you don’t know what RSS is, read this. If you choose not to use RSS, visit this page about once a week, since our plan is to post one blog entry a week; however, sometimes, we might be posting a little more or a little less.

I hope you enjoy our new blog and be sure to check out our Book Club Blog.

Post by: Todd

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