
Dr. Seuss’s birthday

Do you like party hats? You could put on a special hat to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss, Theodor Seuss Geisel, on March 2nd. Try checking out one of his creations from the various sections of the Children’s Room. We have books to read to young children in the E Picture Book section as well as books for beginning readers in the yellow and blue areas of the Easy Reader section. You also can find Dr. Seuss books in Spanish at j468 Seuss and movies in the Fiction Video/DVD (green) section.

If you would like to know more about the life of Dr. Seuss, try looking in the Biography section in Row 8 (look under Geisel) or at the Something About the Author series. You can find this series, which provides biographical information about children’s authors, along the bottom shelves of the Reference section in Row 9 or among the online databases available through the library webpage.

Also, look for the Dr. Seuss activity sheets we’ll put out to celebrate here & there or anywhere!!

posted by Lisa

Thespians for Libraries

Enjoy a rollicking good time at the Weston Friendly Society AND support the Friends of the Waltham Public Library – all at the same time! The Society will be making a generous donation to the Friends this year, and they’re presenting Thoroughly Modern Millie next month:

March 26, 27 & April 1 , 2

at the Weston Town Hall

Tickets are $16, $19 & $22 – such a deal!

More information at

Keep up with Library News!

Have you ever wondered how you could keep up with all of the programs, events, activities and new DVDs around the library? Subscribe to Library News! You’ll have the latest information on the library’s book club or children’s events on concerts delivered straight to your email box.

From WPL’s webpage, click that link on the left-hand side that says Subscribe to Library News. You’ll be asked to enter your email address. That address is used solely for the purpose of sending the Library News that you choose to receive. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others. Letters arrive roughly once per month per newsletter. Once you’ve entered your address you’ll have an opportunity to choose the notices you’ll receive. It’s that simple to keep up with what the library has to offer.

posted by Deb

New York Times Reading List for Egypt

If you are trying to understand the situation in Egypt a little better, check out this excellent book list compiled by The New York Times. I’ve reproduced the list below so that you click on any title to reserve it.

Reading List compiled by Alexander Starr of The New York Times, c. 2011

The following books are not available in the Minuteman Library Network, but you may request them through Interlibrary Loan.

  • Mobilizing Islam by Carrie Wickham
  • The Muslim Brotherhood edited by Barry Rubin
  • The Yacoubin Building by Alaa Al-Aswany.
  • Zaat by Sonallah Ibrahim
  • Master of Games by Miles Copeland, Jr.

Public Libraries Help People Save Money

Read all about it: how a family of four saves almost $7,000 a year by using their public library.

A Valentine to Waltham’s Library Volunteers

From the Friends and the Library Staff

The Library is extraordinarily fortunate to have 33 volunteers who come in week after week to assist Library staff.  These fine people donate their time and talents in a variety of ways.  Volunteers shelve and straighten books, write press releases and prepare mailings for the Friends.  They help in every department, sorting donations for the ongoing book sale, putting labels and covers on books, entering data, finding missing items, creating a staff wiki, updating the online calendars and creating Friends email notices.

Working away largely unnoticed by library users, our volunteers play a key part in the success of the library.  We are deeply grateful for the generous assistance of:

Genevieve Allison
Ruth Anderson
Barbara Aucoin
Dennis Bernhardt
Karen Condor
Edith Cooper
Jerri DeKriek
Garrett Eastman
Jennifer Fitzsimmons-Gauger
Lisa Forster
David Freedman
Barbara Halpern
Cathy Hughes
Thomas Jewell
Sue Johnson
Christine Katsioules
Deana Littlefield
Sally Lobo
Anne Lundregan
Don McAdam
Mary McCusker
Irvin Orlandini
Barbara Pack
Victoria Rea-Wilson
Elizabeth Rea-Wilson
Sarah Robichaud
Sue Schmidt
Libby Shaw
Lim Siwlan
Ginny Sutherland
Jacquie Weekley
Graeme Williams
Mary Xu

Wrinkle in Time video

I posted this on the teen blog, but I wanted to share this very funny video telling the whole story of the children’s/Young Adult book, A Wrinkle in Time, in 90 seconds. (The video was made for a contest sponsored by the New York Public Library)

“A Wrinkle In Time” In 90 Seconds from James Kennedy on Vimeo.

posted by Laura

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Jeanette when she was still using the Childrens Entrance to the Library

Jeanette when she was still using the Children's Entrance to the Library

A trip down Memory Lane for me will always lead past the Library. When I was young I lived in a house behind the Boys Club, right around the corner from the Main Branch of the Waltham Public Library, my Mom use to bring me in at least once a week. When I was able to print my name, I got my very own card. I’ve loved libraries pretty much my whole life. Back then children had their own entrance from Exchange St, where the Waltham Room is now. I felt special having “my own” entrance to a world where I could live out the adventures found in books.

What does Lectvre mean?
There was a sign over one entrance that said Lectvre Hall, when I could read BIG words I wondered what it meant. I soon found out that the letter V is how the letter U was represented back in the old days. Back when I was using the Children’s Entrance books, magazines and reference materials were the only things available at the library. Boy has that changed, today you can find most anything you want inside; besides books there are movies, music, computers and more.

Scary Librarians
The Waltham Public Library was renovated in 1994 increasing the library’s space, before then the check out counter was at the Main Street entrance, on the first floor. (I think there was also a check out desk in the Childrens Room.) The librarian at the Main Street entrance, used to sit at an elevated desk, and would hand stamp each book being checked out. As a child it seemed as though the Librarian was a “Scary Creature” sitting high above me scowling down. We would get shushed… if we talked too loudly, which would make us giggle causing a vicious circle when we got shushed again for giggling.

Paper Card Catalogs
I grew up way before computers, the card catalog use to be on index cards filed in long skinny drawers which ran the length of the main lobby, where the main check out desk is now.

Old time Neighborhood Libraries
Today, everyone wishes there was more parking available at the library, when I was growning up, the present day parking lot used to be part of a fenced in grassy area that kids would use as an unofficial playground. There weren’t as many vehicles on the road back then, and people could walk to their neighborhood library.

I can remember when Waltham had three library branches. When I got older, I use walk to the South Branch on Chestnut Street, the South Branch was moved to a new building, beside the tennis courts off of High St, around the time I started working for a living. Around the same time there was a North Branch on Lexington St near JFK Junior High School.
I am fortunate to be able to work in a place that I have loved for most of my life and I hope to be able to do that for a very long time.

Posted by Jeanette

Tax Information

Image from

Image from

It’s tax season, again, and once again the Waltham Public Library is providing the forms that it can. Please keep in mind that the IRS has informed that there has been a printing delay and therefore a delay in shipping various materials to the library. To date, we have not received Instructions for Form 1040 or 1040 A, Form 1040A, or Schedule A. The Massachusetts Department of Revenue has also informed all taxpayers and public libraries that they are not sending print copies of the instructions. Taxpayers can print out all the forms and instructions they need at (for federal forms) or (for state tax forms). You’re welcome to print out your forms at the library using one of our library computers or your laptop. For those of you who are computer shy, we are happy to print out forms for you at the reference desk, as long as you know the name/number of the form that you need.
Here are a list of resources to get you through tax season, including contact information for the Internal Revenue Service and the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, as well as three services which provide free tax help. Good luck!

Tax Help Locations
The following are tax help services in the Waltham area

  • Waltham Council on Aging
    488 Main Street; Waltham, MA 02452
    Service Provided: Tax Help for senior citizens. Must call to make an appointment.
    Times Available: February 1 – April 15. Monday – Friday
  • Bentley University Students
    Morrison Hall, Room 101; Waltham, MA 02452
    Service Provided: Tax Help for those who are eligible for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)
    Times Available: February 17 – April 12 (there will be no service available from March 12 – March 19.
    Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm; Saturdays 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • Taxpayer Assistance Center
    JFK Federal Building; 15 New Sudbury Street; Boston, MA 02203
    Service Provided: Federal tax help for those whose income is less than $49,000, as well some other services. Please call to make an appointment. Please note — this location provides assistance with federal tax preparation, only.
    Times Available: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
  • Charles River Public Internet Center
    154 Moody Street; Waltham, MA 02453 781-891-9559, x206
    Services Provided: Federal and state tax help for low and moderate income families and individuals. Call to make an appointment although walk-ins are welcome.
    Times Available Fridays and Saturdays, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.

posted by Laura

Eat Healthy with Help from the Library

How many of us will make a New Year’s resolution to get healthier in the near future? The Children’s Room can help you get your young family members on the right path to a lifetime of healthy habits. You can find books for those just learning about health and nutrition in our E Nonfiction section. The books in this section, located in Row 12 under our display area, are separated into different categories appealing to the very young. The books about food, nutrition, and the body have a brown star on a bright green label. For older readers, you can find books on health and the body in Row 3 at j612 and books about sports and activities in Row 5 at j796. Read our list of recommended children’s books on food and nutrition.
posted by Lisa

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