
Boston Book Festival October 15 in Copley Square

The Boston Book Festival is held near and in the Boston Public Library.

The Boston Book Festival is held near and in the Boston Public Library.

Love books? Want to see some great authors? Looking for something to do this weekend? Check out the Boston Book Festival in Copley Square. This free event is held every year in Copley Square and features talks (it’s free!), author panels (it’s free!), and other goodies. Outside on the Square visit literary themed booths from a variety of sponsors and organizations, including The Brattle Book Shop and The New York Review of Books. Attend talks at the Boston Public Library, the Old South Church, and Trinity Church. Are you a food lover as well as a book lover? Attend the talk, “Eat your Words” featuring food and cookbook writers (it’s free!), such as Amy Traverso, writer of The Apple Lover’s Cookbook. Are you a fan of memoirs? Come hear some authors of recent memoirs at “Memoir: Getting a Life” Still can’t get enough of Steampunk after the recent festival here in Waltham? Go to the panel, “Steampunk!” featuring popular YA author, Holly Black.
The Boston Book Festival is tomorrow and is hosting free events all day until 5:45. (There are some events which require tickets, but the majority of the events are free.)

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