
50 Plus, Some Sites to See

Have you ever heard of the International Council on Active Aging?

The Age Friendly Philosophy of the International Council on Active Aging is here to support your active life.

You can choose an active life by:

  • being physically active for 150 minutes a week. That’s only 2.5 hours, out of the 168 hours in the week. You can achieve this goal by doing your physical activity in as little as 10 minute at a time. It takes only 10 minutes at a time to feel better and have more energy.
  • exercising your mind through reading, hobbies, discussions, games and classes. Staying mentally active keeps you alert and engaged in life.
  • staying connected to your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. Talk on the phone, visit and e-mail the people around you

How about getting some free health information from the Harvard Medical School?  Click here.

Or try Care About Your Care.  They will help you to assess the quality of your health care.

Better still, come to the Waltham Public Library.  Or call us!  We can help you find what you are looking for!

posted by Louise

1 Comment

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