
Two Great Reads: Orientation and Underground Time

Here are two great reads to start out the New Year.  Now that you are probably back to work, why not read about some very unusual workplaces?  You will feel much better about your job after you read these two books, believe me!

Let me start with Orientation and Other Stories by Daniel Orozco.  The title story of this book is hilarious!  Here is a quote from the story:

“Those are the offices and these are the cubicles. That’s my cubicle there, and this is your cubicle. This is your phone. Never answer your phone. Let the Voicemail System answer it. This is your Voicemail System Manual.”  The story goes on to become more and more absurd.  Other stories leave you gasping for breath.  One of them is about a man who is so severely overweight, he can not get up and walk but must rely on gadgets and medical help for even the simplest maneuvers.  The writing is superb.

Read an interview with Daniel Orozco in the Boston Phoenix here.

The next title that I must highly recommend to you is:  Underground Time by Delphine De Vigan.

Mathilde and Thibault are both doing their best to survive in Paris.  Mathilde is a widow who has found solace in her company job and identity.   One day, however, her boss, Jacques turns on her and her whole life and identity comes into question.  Thibault has loved a woman, Lila, who is so diffident that he knows he must break things off.  Will these two struggling Parisians meet as they travel the streets of Paris?  Will they find each other? Will they find redemption?  This book has been shortlisted for the 2009 Prox Goncourt.

Read more about the author and her book here.

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