Library Haiku
Many thanks to all of the
talented library-loving poets!
Voters chose the top three:
So much to explore,
Hours and hours the time passes,
Pay meter once more.
Crista DeBenedictisLibraries hold gifts
That are food for mind and heart.
Come, browse and partake!
Sister Bernice King
Children’s story time
A quiet place to gather
Where is bathroom key?
Maria DiMaggio
And they’re all winners:
Haikus are easy
but sometimes they don’t make sense
library cat-fish
Miriam Etingof
SAT time soon…
Students are panicking. Why?
They are well-prepared.
Roosevelt Strange
In the children’s room
We pored over apartments
And found our new home.
Ilana Morrison
Reading a book is
Like an adventure in space
or a baseball game.
Brady Mullin
Library time is
Quiet and fun when shared with
A friend and my mom
Holly Mullin
Library time is
over the best with your mom
and a good book too
Holly Mullin
Waltham Library
Has the vastest selection
Of books to enjoy!
Nicholas Simmons
My library is great –
Won’t have to buy any books
For 10 to 12 years!
Ilana Morrison
From behind the desk
We meet all sorts of people
And give our service
Wander through stacked books
Surrender to their knowledge
Inspired to read!
Alissa Walters
At the library,
notice the eager youngsters.
Spell-bound with their books.
Sister Bernice King
Libraries hold gifts
that are food for mind and heart.
Come, browse and partake!
Sister Bernice King
The library shelves
offer latest releases.
Books worth checking out!
Sister Bernice King
In peaceful quiet
the Library Reading Room
Soothes the weary heart.
Sister Bernice King
The library wins!
Offers versatile programs.
Prize for the city.
Sister Bernice King
Library Haiku?
Bragging rights and a gift card?
No prizes are needed.
Wonderful building
Old OPAC old web presence
Long for Evergreen
Graeme Williams
Main Street Mansion trip
secret stairs descending
Dad’s books back on time
Maureen King
“Hunger Games”? – all out
So very many copies
Best reserved online
Maria DiMaggio
Library Programs
keep my heart and feet dancing.
Quietly, of course!
Sister Bernice King
The library holds
the Audio-Visual –
“Cinema Showcase.”
Sister Bernice King
Libraries display
windows to artful knowledge.
Behold the beauty!
Sister Bernice King
Library books wait
for the young and old to choose.
Pictures and words speak!
Sister Bernice King
Children’s story time
A quiet place to gather
Where is bathroom key?
Maria DiMaggio
Library friends meet
to join in celebration-
Haiku and snapshots!
Sister Bernice King
Ahab, Heathcliff, Jane—
Immortality sublime
at the library
Sheila Neylon
Stories lead us on
City of Watches our home
World of wonder, books
Greg Kee
In the library
you can get lost in the stacks.
Cover up with books!
Sister Bernice King
Librarians smile
and fulfill each daily task.
Ready to help all.
Sister Bernice King
Road trip to Philly
Audiobooks and guidebooks?
Waltham can provide
Rachel Viscomi
I love story time
Sitting and reading is fun
It is so fun, yes.
Angela Viscomi Solet
At the library
Looking at all of the books
Which one shall I choose?
Celia Viscomi Solet
So much to explore,
Hours and hours the time passes,
Pay meter once more.
Crista DeBenedictis
My name is Mary.
Do you like your own name now?
If not change it now.
Mary Vallely