
Primary Day — September 6

Tomorrow is Massachusetts Primary Day, so go out and exercise your right to vote! Here is all of the information that you need to make voting seamless:

  1. Polls are open from 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  2. Find your polling place. Type in your address at this site from the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth and find out your polling site.
  3. If you’re planning to vote as a Democrat, take a peek at the Democratic ballot for Waltham voters.
  4. If you’re planning to vote as a Republican, take a peek at the Republican ballot for Waltham voters.
  5. Not registered to vote? It’s too late for tomorrow, but you can download a Mail in Voter Registration form in time to vote for the November 6 election. The deadline to register for the November election is October 17. You can also pick up a Mail in Voter registration form at the library’s reference desk or go in person to the Waltham City Clerk’s Office.
  6. Going out of town for the November election? Download an absentee ballot request form, or go in person to the Waltham City Clerk’s office.
  7. More questions? Contact Waltham City Clerk, 781-314-3120 or Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1-800-462-VOTE, 617-727-2828

posted by Laura

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