
Point/Counter Point Oscar Fashion and Library Resources

Oscar statue

Hi everyone,
Here is our annual Point/Counter Point about the Oscar Fashions (as well as some ways the library can let you relive or make fun of the Academy Awards)

The good. The bad. All boring.
I saw a posting on Facebook the other day that stated: better to arrive late than to arrive ugly. I laughed because this has always been my motto.
And it reminded me of this year’s Oscar fashion. Not that the stars were ugly by any means but there did not seem to be much fussing—with gowns, hair, makeup. I like more glamour, I guess.

I agree with Marialice that the outfits were a bit on the dull side, this year. (Except for the crew of Mad Max: Fury Road. I love that they went the funky but the casual route). However, I managed to find some looks that I adored and others that I really disliked.

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