Hoopla Movies Filmed in Massachusetts
Did you know we have hundreds of movies available for you to stream on your phone, computer, or smart TV? Here is a small sample of movies — all filmed in Massachusetts! To get started, visit hoopladigital.com and follow the prompts. Please note that this service is available to Waltham residents.
Christmas on Ice
Filmed in Shrewsbury and Worcester
Christmas a la Mode
Filmed in Sutton and Worcester
A Snow White Christmas
Filmed in Ayer, Bolton, Groton, Shirley, and Sudbury
Long Lost Daughter
Filmed in Ayer, Devens, and Groton
Beach House
Filmed in Truro and Wellfleet
The Spruces and the Pines
Filmed in Ayer, Bolton, Stow, and Townsend
How to Train Your Husband
Filmed in Boston and Quincy
The House Sitter
Filmed in Easton and Sharon
The March Sisters at Christmas
Filmed in Grafton and Worcester
The Man Who Killed Hitler and then the Bigfoot
Filmed in Gill, Greenfield, Lenox, Montague, and Sunderland
A Quiet Passion
Filmed in Amherst and Hadley
Annabelle Hooper and the Ghosts of Nantucket
Filmed in Nantucket
Chimera Strain
Filmed in Fitchburg and Gardner
The Spirit of Christmas
Filmed in Barre, Westwood, Worcester, and Wrentham
posted by Janet