
Everybody Wins @ Friends Annual Book Sale

The Friends of the Waltham Public Library recently held their annual book sale, raising thousands of dollars to enhance and support public library services in the City. Many thanks to all the customers who shopped for bargains at the sale, to everyone who donated books and recordings all year long, and to the dedicated team of volunteers who ran the sale.

Among the dozens of generous volunteers who sorted, shelved, and sold books over the course of the ten-day sale, three deserve particular mention. Book Sale Co-Chairs Betsey Greenman and Parrish Rice masterminded the production, starting their work months in advance. In addition to her countless hours working the sale, Betsey recruited and scheduled all the volunteers who made sure the shelves were stocked and kept the cashier’s table staffed day and night. Jacquie Weekley volunteered behind the scenes all year long, sifting through the piles of donations, sorting the annual sale items from the ongoing sale material. Due to Jacquie’s efforts the Friends have a thriving ongoing book sale in addition to the big annual event.

The Book Sale Committee is especially grateful to the library staff for their help and cooperation. Head of Maintenance Gary Smith sorted and stored donations all year long, then set up the room and supplied the volunteers with the books and materials they needed before and during the sale.

The Friends of the Waltham Public Library is dedicated to supporting strong City-funded Library services, applying its funds to extras that are beyond the reach of the City budget, such as laptops for free computer classes at the library, supplies for the Children’s Summer Reading Program, free and reduced-cost passes to area museums, and free programs such as workshops for job seekers, concerts, lectures and author appearances. A department of the City of Waltham, the library is available to all thanks to the citizens and elected officials of Waltham, who understand the importance of the public library as an essential tool for the educational, cultural and economic development of our community.

Waltham is fortunate to have such strong support for its library, and the library is privileged to benefit from the commitment of the volunteers who made this year’s book sale such a success.

Kate Tranquada
Library Director

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