Regardless of your political point of view, there is no denying that Massachusetts has lost one of its enduring political icons, when Senator Edward Kennedy died late last night (Tuesday, August 25). Senator Kennedy was extremely vocal about the issues in which he believed and was respected by his fellow senators on both sides of the aisle. He also represented a family who met tragedy and was considered by some to be America’s royal family. Boston.com has an extensive section regarding the life and death of Ted Kennedy. There is also a repeat of the Globe series, “Ted Kennedy: His Fall and Rise”.
The library, of course, has several materials regarding Ted Kennedy as well as the entire Kennedy family. The three latest are: Ted Kennedy: The Dream that Never Died, Ted Kennedy: Scenes from an Epic Life, and Last Lion: The Fall and Rise of Ted Kennedy. Out of the three, Last Lion, based on the earlier referenced Boston Globe series is probably the most extensive portrait of the senator. It details his accomplishments, as well as past scandals.
If you wanted to find out more about Ted Kennedy, you can also do so by visiting the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Reserve a pass for the museum through our library. You can either do that online or by contacting our children’s room at 781-314-3425 X4.
posted by Laura
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Are you understanding all of the talk regarding the proposed health care bill? If so, can you explain it to me?
In all seriousness, there has been a lot of information coming from both sides of the aisle regarding the best health care plan for this country. Proponents and opponents of the bill have very strong opinions and it can be difficult to navigate or figure out where the truth lies. Luckily, there are many resources out there which will help you formulate your opinion more easily.
- Politifact.Com
Politifact is a non-partisan site from Florida’s St. Petersburg Times that sorts out the real facts behind politicians’ and pundits’ statements. (They even rank the legitimacy of chain e-mails regarding various political issues) The truth-o-meter rates statements and political rumors on scale ranging from True, Mostly True, Half True, Barely True, False, and (my personal favorite) Pants on Fire. While the site looks at all topics, there is a link for health care reform. Even though I put this first, read this site after reading everything else.
- Health Care Bill from the U.S. House of Representatives
This is the text of the house version of the health care bill. It includes names of the co-sponsors and the cost estimates (as provided by the Congressional Budget Office, if you can get through the lengthy document). Remember, if you visit the website of the U.S. House of Representatives, the heath care bill is under the jurisdiction of the Energy and Commerce Committee.
- Senate Finance Committee Page on Health Reform
The Senate’s page regarding its version of the health care bill. Remember if you visit the website of the U.S. Senate, the health care bill is under the Committee on Finance.
- Health Reform.Gov
Health Reform website from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The site supports Obama’s health plan, so it’s not without bias, however it does contain a lot of information.
- Boston Globe Health News
The Boston Globe’s Health Section contains many articles about the health care debate.
- The New York Times Health News
The New York Times Health section contains many articles and opinion pieces on the health care debate.
- AARP Fact Page on Health Reform
This contains a lot of information regarding the health reform bill, and provides several helpful links.
- Health Care Around the World
This slide show, from CNN, details how other countries handle health care coverage.
- Your United States Legislators’ Stances on Health Care Reform
posted by Laura
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