
A Healthy New Year

Visit any gym in January and you will see that many adults have made getting healthier their New Year’s resolution. Let the Children’s Room help you get your young family members on the right path to a lifetime of healthy habits. You can find books for those just learning about health and nutrition in our E Nonfiction section. Located in Row 12 under our display area, this section is separated into different categories appealing to the very young. The books about food, nutrition, and the body have a brown star. The books about sports have a white star.  There is also a Health section in our Parent/Teacher Corner.

Older readers will find books on health and the body in Row 3 at j612 and books about sports and activities in Row 5 at j796. You can also select from our list of recommended children’s books on food and nutrition.

On Saturday, January 19th our drop-in craft session from 10:30am-11:15am will feature two healthy foods crafts.

posted by Lisa

Winter Creations

When I recently babysat my nephew and niece there was just enough snow for them to make snow angels.  They were so proud of what they made.  One of the reasons I enjoy doing the drop-in crafts is because the kids often have a similar reaction with their artistic creations.

In the winter, the weather often makes kids need to make things inside.  Several areas of the nonfiction section provide instruction for activities to meets kids’ various interests.  At j507 you can find books on science projects.  Children who like to cook can find simple books on that topic at j641.5.   The books on Lego creations are at j688.72.   We also have a bunch of books about arts and crafts in the j740s.

Our next drop-in craft will take place on Saturday, December 15th from 10:30am-11:15am.  We will be making various winter crafts.  Click here to find books about winter.

posted by Lisa