Looking for a stocking stuffer for the Waltham Public Library patron in your life? Try Rental Bucks!
$5 gets you 6 $1 coupons good toward Friends of the Waltham Public Library Rental items! That’s right, 1 is free!
Stop by the AV Room, Children’s Room or either Circulation desk to buy yours today.
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Do you have an account at Watertown Savings Bank? Watertown Savings is holding its 15th Annual Customer’s Choice Awards, and will be giving away a total of $50,000 to a variety of local non-profit organizations. Customers have until January 15 to vote for their favorite organizations, such as the Friends of the Waltham Public Library. The non-profit group, Friends of the Library, support the library’s museum pass program, the summer reading programs, the cultural events, the notebook computers for use in the library, and a variety of other library enhancements. Please show your support for this group by picking up a Customer Choice Award Ballot at our circulation desk or by visiting www.watertownsavings.com.
Thank-you! Happy Thanksgiving.
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Did you know the library offers free wireless access? Come into the library and log into the walthampubliclibrary network with your laptop or other device. Don’t have a laptop or something similar? No problem. You can “check out” a laptop from our front circulation desk with your library card and photo ID and use it anywhere in the building for up to two hours. Need some peace and quiet while you’re working away on your laptop? That’s not a problem, either. Reserve one of our five study rooms at the reference desk and work in silence for up to two hours.
And, now, we’re very excited to offer wireless printing! You can now print directly from a laptop computer anywhere in the library (for only 10 cents a page). Your printouts will appear at a printer in the library’s reference area. If you’re printing from a library owned laptop, just send your document to print. If you’re printing from your own laptop, you will need to download software (once) in order to print. Come to the reference desk for a CD-Rom and downloading directions. Don’t have a CD-Rom drive or want to download the software before you come to the library? No problem! Get the software here: http://tinyurl.com/wplprint.
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Did you know that the library has a Facebook page? We are currently running a promotion, encouraging our Facebook fans to become more interactive and let us know what they like about the library. Check out our Facebook page and you can get coupons for free movies and other treats.
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Bibliotherapy? We’ve got it here
Recently, I was reading about an organization in London, England called The School Of Life. They actually have people on their staff called bibliotherapists. My guess is that one needs to pay for their services. Well, guess what? The Waltham Public Library can provide you with bibliotherapy at no charge.
We are open seven days a week and we have knowledgable, educated staff who can get you the prescription that you are needing. Whether you need a quiet place to think and read, a downloadable book for your ipod, or that work out video that you have been thinking about, 735 Main Street is the place for you.
The staff here are specialists in matching you up with whatever it is in your “school of life” that you need. If you need to escape with an adventure flick, some chic lit, or a funny book by your favorite humorist, we will help you find it. If you are looking to reduce that holiday stress, we can get you up to the minute articles, books, audiobooks, DVDs and more.
We will provide the literary prescription that you need and it has no calories. Zero. That stress management book, that video on Yoga For Wimps, we lend them to you because we want you to thrive.
There is no charge for our services. Many of us have gotten Master’s degrees so that we could really be good at getting you what you want. Here at the Waltham Public Library, bibliotherapy is one of our raisons d’etre.
posted by Louise
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This question comes up from time to time, often from patrons who have used other libraries where there was no fee for movies. Most other public libraries pay for their DVDs with their municipal budget. In Waltham, all entertainment movies are purchased by the Friends of the Waltham Public Library, not the City budget. FWPL is a non-profit library-advocacy organization. All of the proceeds raised by movie rentals go directly back into buying more movies, so the collection is completely self-funded. FWPL funds also provide programming for adults and children, museum passes and other enhancements beyond what our municipal budget supplies.
The small fee allows the Waltham Public Library to provide a fairly large collection to the community for a price which hasn’t changed in 20 years. Want to get an even better deal? Visit on Thursdays when movies are 2 for the price of 1!
You can even sign up for a once-monthly email listing the newest movies.
Happy Viewing!
posted by Deb
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Did you know that we have a special site/blog for those of you in middle school and high school? Check it out!
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