I would like to recommend the book Still Alice. It is written by a local author named Lisa Genova who grew up in Waltham and is a graduate of Waltham High School.
Still Alice is about a 50-year-old Harvard professor who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The story follows Alice for two years as she copes with changes to her professional and personal life. Although Alzheimer’s Disease is difficult to read about, you can’t help but fall in love with Alice and the challenges she faces. Reading the novel was like looking at Alzheimer’s from the inside out, or in other words, from the perspective of the person with the disease. This is Lisa Genova’s first work of fiction. She originally self published the book, but the rights were recently purchased by Simon and Schuster.
I hope you will take the time to read this book.
*Posted by Gerry
Much has been made recently about the Governor Patrick’s budget recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year. Today, the governor’s office made his recommendations accesible to the public at the following website:
And speaking of the government, we do have tax forms at the library, including, as of this posting, state tax forms. The reference staff is also happy to print out any forms for you that we may not have. There will be another post with more information regarding this subject.
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scene from Monsoon Wedding
Monday, I had the day off. The perfect opportunity to do all my favorite things.
I started the day off with an ear-freezing walk on the beach with my faithful canine companion
Jumpin’ Jack Flash. The with the help of Betty D, my faithful GPS device, I explored all the great shopping in the Plymouth area (love that Ulta) while munching on Pop Tarts and Starbucks coffee.
Just when you think it couldn’t possibly get any better I navigated my way to the movies and saw “Slumdog Millionaire”. In a word “wow”. After spending the night sleepless in Marshfield,
I got to thinking about Indian films I have enjoyed, although Slumdog Millionaire is technically not an Indian film as it is directed by Brit Danny Boyle–of Trainspotting and 28 Days Later fame.
Some good Indian films that we have here in the Waltham Public Library are:
This is just a few of many great Indian movies to get you started if you are unfamiliar with the
Happy viewing.
posted by Marialice
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Despite your political beliefs, there is no denying that welcoming a new President is always interesting and exciting. What will the speech be like? How will the outgoing President react, especially if he is welcoming a political opponent? What will the next four years bring? What will the new First Lady wear to the Inaugural Ball (face it, you care more about that than you’re willing to let on)? And, most importantly, how will Barack Obama deal with living with his mother-in-law? Regardless, again, of who you voted for, this Inauguration is one for the History Books. The United States will not only be welcoming its first African-American President, but its first President of any minority group. We can only hope that someday this is something the younger generation won’t even think twice about, but for adults like myself, it is something very historic and noteworthy.
For those of you wanting to watch the Inauguartion, but won’t have access to a tv, check out CNN’s live web coverage. Those of you with Facebook accounts can “RSVP” to the event. Come do this using one of our computers in the reference area or check out one of our laptops to watch anywhere in the library. Read past Inaugural Speeches, take a quiz on who wore what ball gown, and learn about the evolution of the Inauguration. The Library of Congress also has a great section on Presidential Inagurations including video, photos, and full text of the speeches. And don’t forget to check out our display of Presidential Biographies, from George Washington to George W. Bush, and even Barack Obama.
Enjoy some of the photographs below from the Library of Congress and the audio of John F. Kennedy’s inauguration speech from John F. Kennedy Presidential Library.

From Left to Right: Dwight D. Eisenhower at his first Inauguration, January 20, 1953. President-Elect Woodrow Wilson and President William Howard Taft leaving for Wilson’s Inauguration March 4, 1913.
posted by Laura
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Deciding the Best Books of 2008 isn’t an easy chore. That’s why I’m not going to take it on. However, there are many people and organizations that did create such a list. While some readers might agree with these lists, others might completely disagree with them. Either way, for me (and maybe for you), it’s a great way to add a few books to my reading list.
The Boston Globe Fiction
The Boston Globe Nonfiction
Washington Post Book World Top 10
National Public Radio Best Books of 2008
Salon Book Awards 2008
NPR’s On Point
ALA’s Top Ten Reads for Teens
Paste Magazine’s Best of 2008
Best Translated Books of 2008
(A few links on this list were taken from Boston Book Buzz and Newton Reads)
posted by Todd
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