
Election 2012! Don’t Forget to Vote November 6.

Unless you have been completely avoiding television, radio, the Internet, or interactions with any other living human being, you are probably very aware that there is a Presidential election on November 6. Here is some (non-partisan) information that will help you tackle this election, as well as some more lighthearted stuff to help you laugh throughout the election season.

Valuable Information: Where Do I Vote; Who and What are on My Ballot and other Key Information

  • If you would like to participate in the November 6 election, you must be registered by October 17. You can register to vote in person at the City of Waltham City Clerk’s office at City Hall on 610 Main St.
  • Can’t make it to city hall? You can also register to vote by mail. Pick up a mail in registration form in either English or Spanish at either the reference desk or in the community room at the library.
  • You can also download one from the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website.
  • You can also download a form in Spanish or in Chinese. (Formulario de inscripción de votante por correo oficial de Massachusetts; 麻州官方 選民郵寄登記表)

  • Planning on going out of town during the election? Download the form to request an absentee ballot. You can also participate in absentee voting at the Waltham City Clerk’s office.
  • It’s not only candidates for President who are running. You will be voting for a U.S. Senator, a U.S. Representative, a state Senator, a state Representative, and other candidates for offices.
  • There are three ballot questions that voters must decide upon. Click upon the questions to get more information as well as arguments on either side.
    • Question 1 is concerned with the Availability of Motor Vehicle Repair Information.
    • Question 2 proposes allowing a “a physician licensed in Massachusetts to prescribe medication, at a terminally ill patient’s request, to end that patient’s life.”
    • Question 3 is concerned with eliminating, “state criminal and civil penalties for the medical use of marijuana by qualifying patients.”
  • Find out where you vote and view a copy of your ballot including names of all of the candidates in your area.
  • Want to try to get the background behind what the candidates are saying? Check out the non-partisan Tampa Bay Times PolitiFact‘s Truth-O-Meter.

Some Fun Stuff this Election Season

  • Re-live old campaign commercials dating back to 1952 with The Living Room Candidate
  • Check out this old Popeye cartoon, satirizing the political process, with Olive Oyl running for President. (Keep in mind that while a lot of it is still relevant, it’s also very dated.)
  • Follow Saturday Night Live’s complete election coverage with its “SNL Election Central” page.
  • Had enough of this election? Watch Saturday Night Live skits featuring former Presidents and Presidential candidates.
  • Relive this classic sketch featuring a spoof of debate between Vice President Al Gore and then Governor George W. Bush.

posted by Laura


  1. Comment by Shouvik
    October 15, 2012 @ 8:22 pm

    Do we need to register if we are already registered and have not moved from our previous address ?

  2. Comment by Laura Bernheim
    October 15, 2012 @ 8:42 pm

    Hi Shouvik, There is no need to re-register if you are already registered and if you haven’t moved. The deadline is just for those who are not registered to vote or have not changed voter registration since moving. Hope this helps!

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