Forms on File
Forms on File is a somewhat recent addition to our electronic database family. Some of you might already be familiar with this database since we used to have a paper copy in our Reference collection. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Forms on File, this database gives you access to a wide variety of government, business, personal, and tax forms that you can either download or print out.
- If you are selling an automobile, you can download and print out a template to use as your Bill of Sale.
- If you are looking for Immigration and Naturalization forms, Forms on File has them.
- If you are applying to a college or university and do not have an application, you can find the forms for most schools.
- If you are looking for a template for a will or a trust, Facts on File has them.
- If you are working on a business deal or are opening a new business, Forms on File might cut out a bit of the work for you.
There are really too many forms to list, but Forms on File has it all. Well, maybe not all, but it does have a lot.