
BBC’s Memory Share & NPR’s StoryCorps

Everyday people enter the Waltham Room, looking to learn about an ancestor, a friend, and various aspects about the history of Waltham. We are lucky to have so many great resources for our patrons, including old yearbooks, annual listings, newspapers,  pamphlets (this list can go on forever).

One item that I am particularly excited that we own is the oral histories that were recorded for Waltham Rediscovered. I really enjoy listening to people tell their own stories.

For those of you who also enjoy this, I want to recommend two websites.  One is NPR’s  StoryCorps – If you listen to NPR, you might already be familiar with this one.  The other is the BBC’s Memory Share. Since anyone can post on Memory Share, finding good content might take  a bit of digging, but when you find a good one, it is worth it.

posted by Todd

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