
TV Time

Marialice can’t get enough of Don Draper

Now that the cold weather is coming, its a good time to catch up on some serious television watching in the confines of your nice warm house.

Do you have a DVR or a TIVO?  Personally I am addicted to my TIVO, not unlike Miranda on Sex and the City (remember that show?–no, not the movie).

No matter, we have lots of DVD’s of televion shows here in the AV Annex.   And that means no commercial interruptions     I will share a few of my favorites with you, lucky readers.

Friday Night Lights— my personal favorite, even though I’m too old

The Closer–six degrees of Kevin Bacon’s wife–whatever that means

My Name is Earl

Pushing Daisies


Mad Men–I can’t get enough of Don Draper

Nip/Tuck–for future reference

Big Love

Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman–enough said

Project Runway–for the fashionista in me

Entourage–Adrienne’s great eyes

Rescue Me –love that Dennis Leary

Now that television is better than movies, I hope you enjoy some of these suggestions.

Happy viewing!
posted by Marialice

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