
National Library Week Winners

Tiffany with her prize

Tiffany with her prize





During National Library Week 2010, five lucky people won gift baskets and sixteen people won gift certificates, but all 60,000 Waltham residents are winners every day when it comes to free library services! Congratulations to Shannon Eagan, Kat Pasek, Emily Montoya, Karen Vinciulla, and Tiffany Kurema, who each took home baskets brimming with books, certificates, and other goodies.

Thanks to City Councillor Kathleen McMenimen and to all the City Councillors for signing the National Library Week resolution, and for putting the library in the spotlight for a part of their meeting, calling attention to the great resources and services available to all at the library.

Several City Councillors were also present at a Tuesday evening reception at the library. They enjoyed desserts created by the High School Culinary Arts Program, heard moving stories from library users about the ways the library has made a difference in their lives, went on a behind-the-scenes tour, and had their photos taken with their favorite books by professional photographer Andrew Kubica. The photos will be featured in READ posters which will soon be on display in the Lecture Hall and Children’s Room.

The Friends of the Library signed up many new members over the opening weekend of National Library Week, thanks to the efforts of Board members who attended the membership drive table all weekend long. Even so, there are still a good number of people who haven’t renewed their memberships since 2009. If your membership has lapsed, it’s never too late to rejoin!

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