Exhibit and Display Spaces

Click here to fill out an Application for use of a Library Display Case.

The Waltham Public Library maintains display and exhibit space for the purpose of featuring library materials and programs, providing information about community groups and exhibiting works of individual artists, crafts people and collectors.

When not in use to promote library-related or City of Waltham activities or services, display and exhibit spaces are available to community groups or individuals engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or philanthropic activities and will be provided on an equitable basis to any group or individual who agrees to the guidelines outlined below.

Exhibit areas are available on an impartial basis regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. The fact that an organization or person is permitted the use of a library display space does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the library of their policies or beliefs.

In general, the library does not accept exhibits of a purely commercial nature, unless they have a special educational, informational, or cultural value to the community. Prices of items for sale may not be posted.

Exhibits are accepted at the discretion of the Library Director or a designee. The Library Director or designee has the right to review the materials before the exhibit is installed. All library patrons who enter the building are exposed to an
exhibit, depriving them of the opportunity to exercise free choice as to whether to view the exhibit. The library will not accept displays or exhibits that are judged to be either illegal or inappropriate for public viewing (i.e. in a place that is free and open to people of all ages).

A decision by the Library Director to remove or refuse materials for an exhibit may be appealed in writing to the Library Board of Trustees, stating the grounds for the appeal.

Ground Floor Display Cases
Cases are 6’ high, 12’ long, 2’ deep, with removable glass shelves 5’ long by 14” deep. Cases are lighted, with four lockable glass doors and electrical outlets.

Exhibit Guidelines

  1. MONTHLY RESERVATIONS. Exhibit space must be reserved in advance. Display cases are available on a monthly basis from the first day of the month to the last, on a first come first served basis.
  2. CONDITIONS. The exhibitor must agree to comply in good faith with the Library’s Policy on Exhibit and Display Spaces and with the following conditions. Exhibitors:
    • Assume the risk of loss or damage to materials exhibited, as no insurance is provided by the library.
    • Assume responsibility for installing and labeling the exhibit on the agreed upon date.
    • Give the library the right to remove exhibit materials if they aren’t picked up by the agreed upon date.Exhibit materials may be disposed of it not claimed within 30 days.
    • Identify the exhibitor by name and contact within the display.
    • Refrain from commercial advertisement. Prices of items for sale may not be posted.
  3. DISCLAIMER. A notice is to be posted with each exhibit stating that: The material within this exhibit is the presentation of the individual or organization named in the display. The library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of exhibits and exhibitors.

Approved by the Waltham Public Library Board of Trustees 11.13.2012

Have an idea for a display?

Fill out the online application to get started.
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