Children's Room Updates

WPL’s Children’s Room is open! Stop by the library to explore with new books, tablets, take-home toys and more. For more information, follow us on Instagram @WalthamLibKids, join WPL’s Children’s Room Activities group on Facebook or email

Weekly Programming

Join active & engaging programs inside WPL’s MakerSpace, Lecture Hall, or in the Children’s Room! Visit our Calendar for more info!

Special Programming

Check our calendar for updates and Special Programming- including several upcoming seasonal programs! 

PIE Space (Play Imagine Experience)

The PIE Space is now open! Welcome to Once Upon a Time!

Children's Programming

Te Cuento Un Cuento / Spanish Storytime
Tuesdays at 10:30 AM
in the Lecture Hall
Ideal for all ages
Por primera vez, únete a nosotros a la hora de cuentos totalmente en español. ¡Habrán cuentos, rimas, canciones, y mucha diversión!

New!! We are thrilled to present for the first time ever a storytime completely in Spanish. Join us for stories, rhymes, songs, and so much fun!
Family Storytime
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
in the Children's Room
Ideal for all ages

Join us in the Children's Room every Tuesday at 6PM for all-ages stories, songs and silliness!

Toddler Time
Wednesdays at 10:30 AM
in the Lecture Hall
Ideal for ages 12-36 months

Join your favorite Children's librarians for stories, rhymes, music, and dancing! This program is recommended for children ages 1-3 but all are welcome!

Kids' Maker Club
Wednesdays at 4:00 PM
in the Makerspace
Ideal for kids 5 and up

Join us in the Makerspace for weekly maker activities! Activities include building with Legos, collage making, and 3D Printing. Some activities may be best suited for kids 8 and up. If you have questions about a specific program please contact us.

Click Here

Museum Passes & Discounts

WPL offers discounted passes to many local museums and family spaces, including Boston Children’s Museum, Discovery Museum, Museum of Science, New England Aquarium, & Zoo New England! Stop by the Children’s Desk to learn more or reserve your own passes online. Several of these passes are now emailed directly to you! WPL’s Museum Passes are generously provided by the Friends of the Waltham Public Library. 

"A new twist on learning."

The PIE Space is now open! Welcome to Once Upon a Time!

The Play Imagine Experience (PIE) Space is a museum-inspired, immersive environment where children play and learn interactively. Located on the ground floor of the Waltham Public Library, each PIE is designed on a theme with a variety of activities, props, and toys that promote learning-based play. Each installation includes STEAM activity prompts, book lists, and music. 

Visit to learn more. 

Toy Collection

Visit the Children’s Room to borrow toys to take home!

Toys circulate for three weeks. All Minuteman Library Card holders are welcome to borrow our toys, however they must be picked up from and returned directly to Waltham Public Library. Toys marked ‘”available” in the online catalog are currently available to take home. You can place any toy on hold, just like a book!  

Career Kits

Browse our take-home career kit collection in the online catalog and find related activities and resources below. Like our toys, career kits can be borrowed by any MLN cardholder, but must be checked and returned to the Waltham Public Library. 

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