Use the resources below to research your family’s connection(s) to Waltham.
Contact the Archivist with any questions.
Waltham City Directories (1871-1990)
Waltham Annual Listings (1867-1973)
Waltham Suburban Directories containing Weston, Wayland, Cochituate, and Lincoln (1906-1926)
Waltham High School Yearbooks (1904-1990)
St. Mary’s High School Alumni Site (including yearbooks 1949-1973 and newspapers 1933-1970)
Vital Statistics Index from the Waltham News Tribune (1995-2016)
Waltham City Clerk’s Office: How to obtain vital records
Waltham Cemetery Department’s online record search
Boston Public Library: Genealogy resources
Boston Globe Historical Edition (home access for Waltham residents only)
Boston Catholic Directory (1948-2015)
Massachusetts State Archives: Researching Your Family’s History
Historic Probate Records of Massachusetts
National Archives: Resources for Genealogists
Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade
My China Roots (access available with a BPL card – apply for an eCard here)
American Ancestors Digital Library and Archives
HeritageQuest (library database)
At the Library
Waltham City Directories (1871-1990), Waltham Suburban Directories (1906-1926), and Waltham Annual Listings (1867-2017) Some dates available by appointment only
Waltham High School yearbooks (1904-present)
Available by appointment only
Waltham Vital Records to 1850
Ancestry Library In-library use only
American Ancestors (New England Historic & Genealogical Society) In-library use only
Obituary indices for Waltham newspapers (1833-1920; 1995-1998)
Located at general reference desk
Death index from Waltham City Directories (1912-1960)
Located at general reference desk
Collection of biographical information on various Waltham families
By appointment only (Guide to collection can be found here)
Books about the history of Waltham, Middlesex County, and Massachusetts
Handbooks and published guides on how to do genealogical research
Censuses, passenger list indices, books on surnames, and country- and ethnicity-based resources
Histories of various New England families
Genealogy periodicals